Manual URL Redirects Module

Avoid 404 not found pages and optimize your SEO on your website creating as URL redirects(301, 302, 404) as you need.

Compatible with: Prestashop v1.6, 1.7 y 8

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Manual Redirects

This module allows you to redirect an old URL to a new URL easily and quickly.

This procedure is very useful to avoid 404 type errors that occur, for example, when deleting a category or product. In this way, if a customer tries to access an old URL, they will be redirected to the new one, avoiding losing potential sales.

404 pages (not found) can cause a lack of trust in your website, in addition to negatively affecting SEO. If your website has pages that cannot be accessed, this is your module.

What does the manual redirects module provide?


  • Create your own 301, 302 or 404 redirects
  • Avoid losing customers for not being able to access your website
  • Optimize your SEO in search engines


  • Optimization of the customer experience by not finding non-accessible pages on your website

Installing the module

The procedure is simple, and you only need the compressed file of the module.

  • Module compatible with version 1.6, 1.7 and 8

Even so, it is necessary to meet some minimum requirements to guarantee the functioning of the module:

  • Admin permissions

To start the installation, access Modules and Services and look for a button called Add new module, on the top right.< /p>

Click on it and a tab will open just below it with the Select a file button on the right.

Click on this and a file explorer will open,where you should search for the module's compressed file. When you've found it, select it, and click Open.

Finally, click on Upload this module, to carry out the installation.

Configuration of the manual redirects module

Once the module is installed, if we enter to configure it we will see that only one option appears to activate or deactivate this module.

When installing the module, a new tab is created within the Catalog, from where the URLs are managed. To establish the redirections that we want to be made, we must enter Catalog > Manual Redirects.

To add a new redirection, click on the + icon in the upper right corner.

Pressing it will open a new window to create a redirection.

URL redirect

  • Old URL
  • The old URL is entered in this field, that is, the one we want to be redirected.
  • New URL
  • The URL entered in this field will be the one redirected to when the above URL is accessed.

In both fields, the URL that we want to write must begin with /. That is, if the URL to redirect was, we should only write /modulos.

  • Redirect type
    • 301 Moved Permanent
    • If you apply this type of redirection to an already positioned URL, the old one will be considered obsolete and will be replaced by the new one.
    • 302 Moved Temporarily
    • With this type of redirects, we temporarily redirect one URL to another. That is, unlike the previous one, it will not be definitive. This means that when we remove the redirect, the original URL will retain its SEO ranking.
    • 404 Not Found
    • This redirect will cause the browser to report a 404 so we can work with it in Google's search console but it allows us to display a page of interest.


Specific References

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